Monday, August 6, 2012

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One trouble is that the two roads leading to Russia is not enough, if the situation in the maintained, sooner or later Russia will one day because of shortage of materials, had to withdraw from the war.
Turkey's surrender,replica oakley sunglasses, the Allies more than one from the Mediterranean Sea through the Black Sea Straits, the materials shipped to Russia to go the road. This is also the United States and Britain to ensure that Turkey see the importance of the Black Sea Strait made war, the Allies the upper ruler is not mentally handicapped, also see the blockade of the need to successfully carry on the Black Sea Strait of war. nfl equipment main fleet was blocked in at Gibraltar, the Allied Fleet in the Mediterranean or with a certain strength.
Ouyang Tan back of the body against the railing, looking at the mast top flying the flag of Ce Guotou asked Zhang Qian: been in the nfl equipment guy aircraft across the Channel for a ride? Zhang Qian scratched the wind in the hair, very calmly: The Ouyang Tan laughing. He knew that Zhang Qian mouth birds that belong to the Air Force property. Yang Husheng once said that the Navy must build the world's most powerful aircraft carrier fleet, so regardless of the airship era, or aircraft, the aircraft carrier of the nfl has been the world's largest number of the largest tonnage, performance is best to carry aircraft ( airship) and most can the Yang Husheng but did not say the airship or aircraft on aircraft carriers, must belong to the Navy, since the spiritual leader does not explicitly show that in this respect the ownership and command of the navy and air force on the aircraft carrier airship (aircraft) natural to take to compete for some two services in the nfl is an emerging military services, the two sides strength or less, to the Tri-Service Joint Chiefs of Staff from the Senate, to ownership of the aircraft carrier aircraft, the two sides dispute the whole day, but finally a The two leaders to remain silent, it is recommended that the aircraft carrier aircraft on property owned by the Air Force, the command Leaders of a temporarily quell the controversy at that time, but did not solve practical problems. To Zhou Yong city as air force commander, he felt that so many aircraft are the property of the naval command, be greatly weakened the authority of the air, for once again stir up in the end who should command the naval aircraft dispute. two sides had been a dispute to the nfl go to war, was all give and take - Air Force stationed on the aircraft carrier on behalf of Zhang Qian is not a carrier origin, to play a diplomatic attache, he has served in the gunboats, destroyers,oakley sunglasses cheap, light cruisers, armored cruisers, battleships, and had never commanded an aircraft carrier. Always will be the Air Force as know and the Air Force has nothing to do

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